Friday, January 25, 2008

Orange Tour DFW - Session 3

Session 3 was with Carey Nieuwhof, a senior pastor from Canada. Great session with deep insight about the "c" word, change.

  • Change is a constant
  • Every change has a life cycle; an upswing and an eventual downswing
  • Easy change takes place on the downturn, though this may not be the best time to change
  • Well-led organizations change while on the upswing; this is the most difficult point of change, but potentially the most productive
  • We may have to change stuff that was working in order to have greater impact
  • We need to look at why we do what we do all the time
5 Steps to Implementing Change
  1. Study the concepts
  2. Get as many of your team on-board as possible – need leaders aligned
  3. Define an action plan
  4. Reorganize for change
  5. Implement the change – soft launch, evaluate
A great session to wrap up an inspirational day. Tomorrow, Church Staff 101 continues the love!
