Tuesday, January 8, 2008

"How" and Note Taking

"This is the ultimate guidebook for successful living. Its truths are simple but stunningly powerful." I'm hoping Marianne Williamson's quote is correct since I'm starting the book, "How" by Dov Seidman tonight.
A great friend and peer, John Stickl, recommended the book a couple of weeks ago, and I received it today from Amazon.
I'm also trying something new when it comes to note taking while reading. I always come across passages or information in a book that I know I'm going to want to find later, so I highlight or underline and maybe dog ear the page. But it takes me forever to find those nuggets later. Timothy Ferris wrote a blog post explaining his method of taking notes when reading a book. I'm going to take a modified approach and see how it fits for me.
As I come across something of interest, I'll underline like normal, but I'll also turn to the front blank page of the book and write down the page number and a short descriptive phrase about the passage.
Let's see if this works!
