Monday, April 21, 2008

How's Your Fire?

In the midst of prayer today, I thought about a meeting a couple of weeks ago when big, burly, manly-man, Wayne broke down and, yes, shed tears during prayer. Honestly, I’m not much of a crier, but there are times when I lose some salt. One situation that always brings emotion is when I’m brought back to the reality of why I do what I do; the calling God has placed on my life and the inherent urgency of ministry.
I certainly go through times when I look at ministry as just a job or an obligation. I wrestle with those periods; I do hate it when those feelings rise up. But no matter how crabby, stressed, cynical, or dull I feel “in the moment”, ultimately, it’s the calling and the urgency that are my fire.
The “fire” is not the programs I’ve been a part of, the events I’ve helped lead, or the object lessons I’ve brought. The fire is the urgency of knowing true eternal transformation is taking place in the lives of children and their families. The “how” we do what we do changes over time, but the “why” is always John 3:16.
And so I ask you, how’s your fire doing? My sincere hope and prayer is that you serve because of the desire, the calling, the necessity in your life to see others eternally transformed. I pray God would continually stoke the fire of urgency in you. This blaze impacts how you pray for “your kids” and their families, how you interact with them, even how you prepare your lessons. It burns away “job and obligation” and thankfully reveals calling and urgency.

I’m struggling with the ending here, so I’ll end with the question, “How’s your fire?”

Church Staff 101
Wayne Geer

1 Comment:

Mr. Vic said...

Thank you for your transparency.