Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Been Fishing Lately?

The heat is being turned up. You know your time is short at the position you're in and now it's about time you started looking for a new church. You didn't need to look before because everything was going well. But it's getting to be the bottom of the eighth inning and you're thinking the game's about over so you better find your resume and start sending it out.


In probably the most controversial post yet on Church Staff 101, we going to talk about what Stephen Pollan calls "fishing." The author of a number of excellent books, Mr. Pollan put words to thoughts I had floating around in my brain. The book was "Fire Your Boss" and the idea that resonated with me was, in light of today's market place, we all need to be fishing.

Fishing is not a new career choice. It's continuously working your network, building relationships, checking the employment sites, sending your resume out so that you always have a possible job to move to when you're in need.

"You're crazy Wayne! How could you be so disloyal?!"

Hold on to your knickers there. Think about how many times you've heard of other staff members being let go and they weren't ready to leave. How about those folks who were struggling at their job, but had to wait, maybe an excruciatingly long time, before they could move to something better. I have personally seen both scenarios in my last two positions. This creates a huge amount of stress; stress that could have been less had the individuals been fishing.

To me it seems wise in today's job arena. Church's, like secular jobs, want us to be loyal, to stick with them through thick and thin. It shows that we're made of "good stuff." Today's church is not the General Electric of the 1950's where folks started and ended their job life at the same company. Look around, there's a lot of transition taking place, we (I know I'm generalizing here) are not wired to stay put for 30 years. And of course knowing the "grass is not always greener" it's still necessary to fish, because the grass may not be pristine, but it's possibly more lush than where you're working.

Are you ok? Still breathing? Stopped calling me names?

Think about it. Read the book. Pray about wisdom.

Top 5 Fishing Exercises

  1. Read the book, "Fire Your Boss." Uh, probably one to read at home.
  2. Polish up the resume. Check out Must Do's to Get a Job - Part 2.
  3. Check out job websites. I think the best is ChurchStaffing.com
  4. If something looks good, send out your personal marketing kit/resume. You can always say "no thanks" to a job offer.
  5. Network. It's always good to know other people. It's all about relationships.
  6. STAY WHERE YOU'RE AT IF YOU'RE HAPPY! But keep on fishing.
So, have you been fishing lately?
